Tag Archive | decisions

Pic ‘n’ Post: Where Do I Go From Here?

This was also my response to Curtis Bausse’s Pic’n’Post Challenge The story-teller’s picture: It’s always the same dream. He’s alone, walking down a long railroad. Blossoming, spaced out trees on the right, settled under a black sky streaked with lightning. A dark, dense forest on the left, settled under a clear, bright sky. The road would […]

Izzy May I: The Write Shot in the Foot

Izzy May I: The Write Shot in the Foot

This is a double feature entry for my event and Jennifer Nichole Wells’ (this week’s color is bittersweet). The Write Shot in the Foot (Bittersweet Book Poetry version)

Speak Up! Friday Quotes (9)

“Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings” ― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. “Like a city with breached walls is a man without self-control” (Proverbs 25:28 ISV). “So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a […]

Lemonade and Worm Stand: NaBloPoMo

chasing destino What do you think of the idea “if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Do you think it’s always possible to make something bad into something good? It’s so cliche. Yet, it’s true. Most of the time, you can turn a negative into a positive. Maybe not always. Trust me. I know. I […]

Speak Up! Friday Quotes (5)

Speak Up! Friday Quotes (4)

Readers See Right Through You

Admit it. The only reason interesting things happen to your main character is because they’re the main character. Don’t tell me that’s not true. It’s not healthy to lie, especially to yourself. Fine, fine. If you insist, I’ll listen to your elaborate reasons as to why your MC is the chosen one. You might just […]

Love Triangles and Vs: Hate ‘Em or Love ‘Em, They’re Still an Obsession

Love Triangles and Vs: Hate ‘Em or Love ‘Em, They’re Still an Obsession

Love triangles and love Vs come in all sizes and colors. Some are sloppy and generic, while others are painfully inquisitive of the human condition. Let me backtrack and use the good ol’ ABCs to explain. When A likes B, but B likes C, and C likes A…that’s a love triangle (and it can get […]

Oh, I Wish You Would Look At Me Like That

Oh, I Wish You Would Look At Me Like That

One topic that stuck out from my Multicultural psych course was identity, or more specifically, the combination of social identities within one individual (i.e., intersectionality; Cole, 2009).

So You Wanna Steal a Car?

People are scary. One second, you make the decision to start off your day with grocery shopping. Then the next, you come out to find your car stolen. Who are you to just take like that? To not worry if I have a niece, nephew, and sister to pick up from school in a few […]