Tag Archive | deaf

Pic ‘n’ Post: Never Knew I Could Feel Like This

Pic ‘n’ Post: Never Knew I Could Feel Like This

In Response to Curtis Bausse’s Pic’n’Post Challenge Also in response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Fight or Flight.” Write about your strongest memory of heart-pounding, belly-twisting nervousness: what caused the adrenaline? Was it justified? How did you respond? Rules (what to include in the Pic ‘n’ Post challenge): — A photograph you’ve taken — A […]

Stimulating My Creativity

Stimulating My Creativity

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Time Capsule.” What would you put in this year’s time capsule to channel the essence of our current moment for future generations? I would put a number of things, including all the books that I could fit in there (with pressed flower bookmarks), paintings, different maps, clothes, toothbrushes, […]