Tag Archive | author



That moment when you need and want to write, but you have other work to do. That moment when someone asks what your book’s about.

Readers See Right Through You

Admit it. The only reason interesting things happen to your main character is because they’re the main character. Don’t tell me that’s not true. It’s not healthy to lie, especially to yourself. Fine, fine. If you insist, I’ll listen to your elaborate reasons as to why your MC is the chosen one. You might just […]

Blogging 201: Set Three Goals

First assignment! Set three goals in 30 SECONDS. Starting now!

Survival of the Fittest: Joe Rogan – Do What You Love, Because Society Is A Trap And Work Is Meaningless


Stimulating My Creativity

Stimulating My Creativity

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Time Capsule.” What would you put in this year’s time capsule to channel the essence of our current moment for future generations? I would put a number of things, including all the books that I could fit in there (with pressed flower bookmarks), paintings, different maps, clothes, toothbrushes, […]

Have No Mercy, Steal Their Hearts

Have No Mercy, Steal Their Hearts

How do you urge readers to flip to the next page? . . . Why, you make them care, of course. Yeah, I figured that much. But how do you make them care? . . . That’s easy. Engage their mind, heart, and curiosity as early in the story as possible. Right, but how? . . […]

Redefining Your Motives

When and why did you start taking writing seriously? For me, it was when I lost my house to a pissed off hurricane (I was in middle school). Nearly lost my mom, too. As the raw, wet winds whipped every inch of me, I looked at my family and neighbors. Really looked at them and […]